الشمس و القمر = Imamology Basics - 045 - Sun, Moon, Stars and the firmament

As stated before, the verses of the Holy Quran need the Prophet Muhammad, Be Be Fatima and the twelve infallible Imams to be exp ...
As stated before, the verses of the Holy Quran need the Prophet Muhammad, Be Be Fatima and the twelve infallible Imams to be explained exactly. There are some verses including the words: sun, Moon, Stars and firmament, etc. They have obviously some apparent meanings. However, they have also some hidden meanings. In this program, we would like to attract your kind attention to some traditions which explain the latters. الرحمن علم القرآن خلق الانسان علمه البيان + و الشمس و ضحيها و القمر اذا تليها

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