استفاده از وسیله مکمل رسانSupplementarry Nursing system(SNS)

The lactation aid is by far the best way to supplement, if the supplement is truly necessary. The lactation aid is better than u ...
The lactation aid is by far the best way to supplement, if the supplement is truly necessary. The lactation aid is better than using a syringe, cup feeding, finger feeding or any other method, since the baby is at the breast and breastfeeding These devices add milk flow from an external source. Adding flow at the breast using a feeding-tube device can be a strategy to improve the sucking pattern and efficiency When recommending these devices to a mother, the lactation specialist should be sensitive to the mothers verbal and nonverbal communication to determine her acceptance of the device. Providing adequate, hands-on instruction in the use of the device is crucial to ensuring success. The supplemental device is set up at the beginning of the feed but is not used or opened until the baby requires additional flow. With training, most mothers are able to start the flow of the tube-feeding device to correspond with their babys needs. For a healthy infant, this should increase the flow rate so the baby swallows after most sucks. each suck should be a long draw rather than a short chomp. Feeding-tube devices can be helpful for any baby with diminished endurance and/or weak suck, including babies with prematurity or CHD. To augment milk flow, the tube-feeding device may be used throughout the entire feeding or started as the baby tires. For a baby with low endurance, the lactation specialist must take care not to overwhelm the babys suck, swallow, and breathe abilities with a flow rate that is too high. A slower flow rate with a ratio of three or four sucks per swallow may be needed to support the babys abilities. *Why Is The Lactation Aid Better (Advantages)?: Babies learn to breastfeed by breastfeeding. Mothers learn to breastfeed by breastfeeding. The baby continues to get the mothers milk even while being supplemented. The baby will not reject the breast(or transitional from bottle to breast, adoptive breastfeeding). Avoids the use of artificial nipples. There is more to breastfeeding than the breastmilk. Encouraging suckling. The presence of an increased flow organizes the infant suckle, making nursing more efficient. Enabling closeness of mother and baby, In preterm baby, neurological and chromosomal abnormality. SNS decrease the length of time spent on the feeding and supplementation, thereby decreasing the amount of energy expenditure of the late preterm baby. The baby is likely to stay latched to the breast, increasing the rate and strength of suckling. The SNS is the only supplemental feeding method that allows for continued skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby, further boosting the potential for increased maternal milk supply. Using the SNS decreases the need for triple feeds, which should increase breastfeeding duration and satisfaction of breastfeeding for the mother.

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