Shahecheragh in the Leader's Speech

200 بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - I.R.Iran’s Supreme Leader’s Speech About
I.R.Iran’s Supreme Leader’s Speech About Ahmad Ibn-e Musa Shahecheragh(PBUH) the speech made on April 30, 2008 by Ayatollah ‎Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution to a large group of the people of ‎Shiraz. The shrines of ‎Ahmad Ibn Musa and his esteemed brothers and other descendants of the Prophet's ‎‎(s.w.a.) household are another important sign. That fact that the esteemed descendants of ‎prophets addressed the people of Fars and chose their province as their sanctuary is very ‎significant. This is especially true about the prominent character of Ahmad Ibn Musa who ‎is considered to be one of the most prominent descendants of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) ‎household. He has been described as a generous, glorious, and modest person and his ‎father - that is, Musa Ibn Ja'far - considered this honorable man as superior to his other ‎children and relatives and treated him with special kindness. Shiraz attracted the attention ‎of this esteemed descendant of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) household as well as other ‎descendants. They came to this region, and they were supported by the local people. Until ‎this day, the blessings of this esteemed man keep benefiting the entire Fars province and ‎an important portion of this country. مرقد جناب احمدبن موسى و برادران بزرگوارش و ديگر امامزاده هاى خاندان پيغمبر، يك نشانه ى بسيار مهمى است. اين كه پيغمبرزادگان محترم و معتبر، مردم فارس را مخاطب خود و منطقه و منزل آنها را مأمن خود قرار بدهند، بسيار چيز پرمعنا و مضمون دارى است؛ بخصوص شخصيت برجسته ى جناب احمدبن موسى كه در ميان امامزادگان شناخته شده ى خاندان پيغمبر، جزو برجستگان محسوب مى شود. درباره ى او اين جور نوشته اند كه:مردى بخشنده و كريم و باورع و داراى جلالت مقام و منزلت بود و پدرش - حضرت موسى بن جعفر - اين بزرگوار را بر فرزندان و خويشاوندان ديگر خود مقدم مى داشت و به او محبت ويژه اى داشت. شيراز هدف توجه اين امامزاده ى عزيز و ديگر امامزادگان قرار گرفت؛ آمدند و از سوى اين مردم هم پشتيبانى شدند! تا امروز هم بركات اين بزرگوار بر سرتاسر استان و بر بخش مهمى از اين كشور، جارى و سارى است. Reference: Hazrat Shahecheragh’s Biography Hazrat Sayyed Amir Ahmad Ibn-e-Musa al-Kazem (PBUH)-Sayyed al- sadat- al a’aazam- entitled "Shahecheragh", literally: the king of the lights, was the noble son of Imam Musa al-Kazem (PBUH) and Imam Reza's brother. The 7th Imam had 19 sons. Hazrat Ahmad Ibn-e Musa and Muhammad Ibn-e Musa were born from the same mother, named "Omm-e Ahmad". Hazrat Ahmad Ibn-e Musa's Character He was popular for munificence, courage, and devoutness amongst the children of Imam Musa al-Kazem. He stayed up late to pray; also he emancipated one thousand slaves in his life. In "Ershad", Sheikh Mofid's book, it's said that: "Hazrat Ahmad Ibn-e Musa was honourable, generous and virtuous and Hazrat Musa Ibn-e Jafar loved him very much and gave priority to him; also he declared his farm that's known as Basireh to Ahmad Ibn-e Musa who bought and released one thousand slaves for God’s sake. Hassan Ibn-e Muhammad Ibn-e Yahya said about his ancestor that who stated: "My father and his children exited Medina toward his farms and gardens and there were 20 men of my father's waiters with Ahmad Ibn-e Musa and they respected him so that even if he sat down, they also sat or whether he stood up, they did too. My father loved Ahmad from bottom of the heart and was kind to him very much so that when Ahmad didn’t notice to my father, he looked at him kindly for a while and never we left our group, unless Ahmad went out. Shahecheragh's Mother Superiorities In the explanation at the 15th statement, Allame Majlesi in his book, "Meraat al- Oghool" states that "Omm-e Ahmad was some of his (Musa Ibn-e Jafar) son's morher. She was the wisest, chastest and dearests of his wives who held his mysteries and deposits." #Shahcheragh #Shahecheragh #Ahmad Ibn Musa #Shiraz #Leader #Khamenei
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/04/03 منتشر شده است.
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