Shaheed Soleimani Breathed Life Into The Resistance | Imam Khamenei

Pure Stream Media
Pure Stream Media
29 بار بازدید - پارسال - What does The Resistance stand
What does The Resistance stand for? Is the Arrogant Front limited to America or are there other Arrogant entities? What was Shaheed Soleimanis contribution to the Resistance Front? Furthermore, what does the esteemed Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah have to say about Haj Qasem? Besides, was Haj Qasems contribution to the Resistance Front only materialistic or did he provide spiritual assistance as well? Moreover, who is responsible for the stark difference between Palestines resistance few years ago and now? And finally, why is The Resistance indispensable to the Islamic System? Sayyid Ali Khamenei sheds light on the efforts of Haj Qasem to revive and strengthen the Resistance Front, as his eminence explains how "Shaheed Soleimani Breathed Life Into The Resistance".
پارسال در تاریخ 1401/10/27 منتشر شده است.
29 بـار بازدید شده
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