O' Fatima Zahra (S) | Sayyidati Labbayki | Latmiyya

Pure Stream Media
Pure Stream Media
71 بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - O' Fatima Zahra (S) |
O' Fatima Zahra (S) | Sayyidati Labbayki | Latmiyya In these days of the remembrance of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (A) - the daughter of the Holy Prophet the wife of Imam Ali (A) - we bring to you a touching Latmiyya recited by Sayyid Majeed Banifatemeh.
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/11/09 منتشر شده است.
71 بـار بازدید شده
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