The Nun II watch full movie online free full 2023

41 بار بازدید - 10 ماه پیش - The Nun II watch -
The Nun II watch - France, 1956 Sister Irene encounters an evil demon disguised as a nun. Enter The Nun II, a slick if familiar addition to the very fertile Conjuring universe that, by deftly expanding on the 2018 hit, appears destined to become another cinematic habit. Set four years after the events of the original that introduced demon-fighting nun Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) and the handy Maurice (Jonas Bloquet), much of the action takes place around a French boarding school, where the demon nun Valak (Bonnie Aarons reprises her glowering role) has resurfaced. The grisly pre-opening-title death of a priest alerts the Vatican that the evil Sister Irene had thwarted has arisen again (evil tends to do that when box-office success demands it), and she reluctantly agrees to the assignment. Shes unexpectedly joined by a headstrong young nun played by Euphoria and Missings Storm Reid, who turns out to be a plucky if somewhat underemployed sidekick. Directed by Michael Chaves (a veteran of these films with The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It and The Curse of La Llorona) from a screenplay credited to a trio of writers, The Nun II doesnt trifle with the formula, which relies heavily on jump-out-at-you scares, vivid nightmares and spooky spectral visions. Although the story goes through some late contortions to present Irene a plausible means of fighting back, these movies generally dont hold together particularly well down the home stretch, when the mayhem begins in earnest. Then again, by that point they dont really need to, having already delivered the requisite thrills. Aside from providing steady employment for the Farmiga sisters (with Vera a mainstay of The Conjuring series), these movies illustrate both horrors enduring power relative to other theatrical genres and how expanding the palette in terms of geography and chronology can add a sprinkle of freshness to basic haunted-house constructions, with a story
10 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/06/19 منتشر شده است.
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