What is a Quality Assurance Plan and Why Do You Need One?

3 بار بازدید - 7 ماه پیش - A Quality Assurance Plan (https://snatchdigital.co.uk/blog/qa/software-quality-assurance-plan)
A Quality Assurance Plan (https://snatchdigital.co.uk/blog/qa/software-quality-assurance-plan) is a managerial tool or strategy that outlines the activities, procedures, and resources you need to ensure a product or services quality. It is a systematic approach that is used by organizations to make sure that their products consistently meet or even exceed customer expectations. The main purpose of a Quality Assurance Plan is to set quality objectives and give teams a guideline on how to achieve them throughout the project. QA plans also serve as a reference for the project managers, team members, and clients or customers. Here are some of the reasons you need Quality Assurance plans: By implementing a QA plan, your organization can meet customer expectations and deliver high-quality products much easier; which leads to customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Additionally, a comprehensive QA plan will help you identify quality-related risks, and prevent potential issues from escalating into larger problems. Finally, as you already know, in many industries, adherence to certain quality standards and regulations is mandatory. A Quality Assurance plan helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements and reduces the risk of legal consequences.
7 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/08/26 منتشر شده است.
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