Ice Cream Metal Detector : Metal Detector for Cornetto Ice Cream

77 بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - Target Innovations are the leading
Target Innovations are the leading Manufacturer , Seller of ICE CREAM METAL DETECTOR : metal detector for cornetto ice cream from INDIA. We offer best sensitivity of 1.0mm Fe and 2.50mm SS in Aparture openning of 600 mm x 100 mm for Ferrous metal detectors used in ice cream factories. Best Keyword: Ice cream metal detector , cornetto metal detector , metal detector for ice cream pack , metal detector for ice cream cone Arun Arondekar Whatsapp : 0091 98231 91950 : 98221 64324 http://www.metaldetectorasi
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/04/22 منتشر شده است.
77 بـار بازدید شده
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