"Sacred Place" by Alex Berko

World premiere of Alex Berko's (b.1995) Sacred Place for choir, violin, cello, and piano.  Performed during "The Muse Speak ...
World premiere of Alex Berko's (b.1995) Sacred Place for choir, violin, cello, and piano.  Performed during "The Muse Speaks: House of Belonging" at St. Martin's Lutheran Church in Austin, TX on March 31, 2023. Commissioned as part of the Joel Brauer New Music Fund for New Music. Text & Soloists below, program note at https://www.conspirare.org/the-muse-s....

I. Opening Prayer
In the dusk of the river, the wind
gone, the leaves grow still—
The beautiful poise of lightness,
The heavy world pushing toward it.
  -Wendell Berry

II. Amidah
“How softly these mountain rocks are adorned, and how fine and reassuring the company they keep – their brows in the sky, their feet set in groves and gay emerald meadows, a thousand flowers leaning confidingly against their adamantine bosses, while birds bees butterflies help the river and waterfalls to stir all the air into music – things frail and fleeting and types of permanence meeting here and blending as if into this glorious mountain temple Nature had gathered her choicest treasures, whether great or small to draw her lovers into close confiding communion with her.”
  -John Muir to Teddy Roosevelt (on preserving Yosemite National Park)

III. Shema
The earth says have a place, be what that place
requires; hear the sound the birds imply
and see as deep as ridges go behind
each other.

The earth says every summer have a ranch
that’s minimum: one tree, one well, a landscape
that proclaims a universe - sermon
of the hills, hallelujah mountain,
highway guided by the way the world is tilted,
reduplication of mirage, flat evening:
a kind of ritual for the wavering.

The earth says where you live wear the kind
of color that your life is (grey shirt for me)
and by listening with the same bowed head that sings
draw all things into one song, join
the sparrow on the lawn, and row that easy
way, the rage without met by the wings
within that guide you anywhere the wind blows.

Listening, I think that’s what the earth says.
  -William Stafford

IV. Mi Sheberach
May the source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing
And let us say Amen

Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah (a complete healing, “get well soon”)
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit
And let us say Amen
  -Old Testament

V. Kaddish
“Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.”
  -Rabindranath Tagore

VI. Closing Prayer
In the dusk of the river, the wind
gone, the leaves grow still—
The beautiful poise of lightness,
The heavy world pushing toward it.
  -Wendell Berry

Craig Hella Johnson, conductor

I. Opening Prayer: Haitham Haidar, tenor
II. Amidah:  Kathlene Ritch, soprano, Haitham Haidar, tenor
III. Shema: Chelsea Helm, soprano
IV. Mi Shebeirach
     David Rivera, tenor
     Lauren McAllister, alto
     Simon Barrad, bass
     Meg Dudley, soprano
VI.  Closing Prayer:  Haitham Haidar, tenor

Carla McElhaney (piano)
Sandy Yamamoto (violin)
Daniel Kopp (cello)

Lighting Design: Viera Buzgova
Video and audio: Eddie Jennings

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