For The Absolute Beginner Guitarist: The Nine Essential Guitar Chords You Must Know Lesson

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These are the must know guitar chords for the absolute beginner guitarist. Rock, blues, folk, country, reggae, metal and even jazz use them and you have to know them.


0:18 - A major guitar chord: demo
0:35 - A major guitar chord: chart
0:46 - C major guitar chord: demo
1:01 - C major guitar chord: chart
1:13 - D major guitar chord: demo
1:30 - D major guitar chord: chart
1:43 - E major guitar chord: demo
2:00 - E major guitar chord: chart
2:15 - F major guitar chord: demo
2:30 - F majo guitar chord: chart
2:45 - G major guitar chord: demo
3:00 - G major guitar chord: chart
3:10 - A minor guitar chord: demo
3:25 - A minor guitar chord: chart
3:40 - D minor guitar chord: demo
3:55 - D minor guitar chord: chart
4:10 - E minor guitar chord: demo
4:20 - E minor guitar chord: chart

Where to go now
Beginner Guitar Instruction: Switchin... to practice changing chords

Read more about the 9 essential beginner guitar chords.


As a beginner guitarist chords is the best place to start if you want to play songs.

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