57 Phrases to De-escalate Any Angry Customer

Myra Golden
Myra Golden
What can you do to get an angry customer to listen to you? I have a few tips and tactics for preempting escalations and getting ...
What can you do to get an angry customer to listen to you? I have a few tips and tactics for preempting escalations and getting customers to accept your words as final.

Get a PDF of the 57 phrases at the BOTTOM of this page: https://www.myragolden.com/blog/57-ph...

For more help with difficult customers, check out De-escalation Academy at HTTP://MyraGolden.com

Get a full list of the 57 phrases here: https://www.myragolden.com/blog/57-ph...

1:10 Phrases for Acknowledging the Customer's Feelings (And Move Them Out of the Emotional Right Brain)

5:40 Phrases for When You Must Give the Customer Bad News

7:38 Phrases for When the Customer is Cussing or Being Inappropriate

9:58 Phrases for Customers Who Want to Talk to Your Manager

11:20 Phrases for When You're Offering Your Customer Options

15:10 Phrases to End a Circular Conversation with Your Customer

20:45 Phrases for Saying 'I'm sorry" Without Admitting Fault
Video I referred to to explain the difference between "I'm sorry" and apologizing: Don't Apologize to Customers!

22:45 Phrases for Managing Expectations

24:15 Phrases for Denying a Request Based on Policy

27:37 Phrases for Showing Empathy to Unhappy Customers

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