"dikiy" Tatra birth

Geri Dagys
Geri Dagys
Tatra for Sale. contact [email protected] was born on 2013.Same year it traveled to Evenkia (Russia) Year later it ...
Tatra for Sale. contact [email protected]
Tatra was born on 2013.
Same year it traveled to Evenkia (Russia)
Year later it was shipped to Iceland and did round trip around this wonderful country.

Dikiy.me is a project or better just a way of life of people -- who prefer nature to cities, wilderness to comfort, adventures to routine, challenges to safety, enjoying to complaining, creating to consuming....
"Dikiy" means "wild", "wilderness" in Russian and comes from the first project we started to work on. This is what interests us the most, because this is what we all have inside  and where we come from.
Here is the short clip how Tatra truck was made for it's journey in to the wild.
More info http://dikiy.me

#gerigfx #geridagys #geri_dagys

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