4K MWC 2018 Highlight Reel (in Twitch Clips)

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Twitch: AbstruseInquisitiveAsparagusKippa (Singapore warmup)
Twitch: FunnyEnergeticOkapiWOOP (United States of China)
Twitch: ClearCrypticRadishKlappa (BossMadWolf)
Twitch: BlushingScaryWasabiKeyboardCat (101 points)
Twitch: CrazyBoxyHornetGrammarKing (Estonians)
Twitch: BovineImpossibleGnatTwitchRPG (EIGHT)
Twitch: EmpathicWanderingCobraDatSheffy (45)
Twitch: SplendidShakingSalamanderNinjaGrumpy (SHLONG SMOL BOIS)
Twitch: JollyTransparentPastaBleedPurple (Sophti oof)
Twitch: FragileColdFlyMau5 (KAMUI HIT DDDDDDDDDD)
Twitch: PunchyRenownedPeachItsBoshyTime (juankristal)
Twitch: ModernHealthyDuckFUNgineer (Dawt TB)
Twitch: CleanHappyAntJonCarnage (DOHLAND)
Twitch: BadJollyLaptopFreakinStinkin (SurfChu Solo)
Twitch: EnergeticPlausiblePineappleRlyTho (29)
Twitch: HorribleNimbleGarlicKappaClaus (Commentary!idol)
Twitch: PlainResoluteDiscUnSane (USABR TIEBREAKER FORCE)
Twitch: AnnoyingBitterMomBudStar (VAI BRASIL)
Twitch: BenevolentSmoggyBoarPanicBasket (elah curse)
Twitch: SpeedyCuriousWoodpeckerKAPOW (Close Call MYJP)
Twitch: FreezingExuberantWaterMingLee (color what the fuc)
Twitch: SmoothDrabOctopusPastaThat (Lothus Illuminati)
Twitch: DrabProductiveThymeKappaPride (Lusty Platycurse)
Twitch: DoubtfulComfortableGoblinAMPEnergy (Bass Drop OMEGALUL)
Twitch: PiliableIntelligentBottleRiPepperonis (no more SVs-)
Twitch: MildLovelyDonutFreakinStinkin (PAUSE NOW)
Twitch: PunchyHandsomeSproutSmoocherZ (SHAKUNETSU ELECTRO FC)
Twitch: DreamyGloriousPistachioMrDestructoid (SillyLothus combo)
Twitch: PiercingHelpfulSquidFutureMan (Magic Choke Wonder)
Twitch: ClearAmericanNewtDatSheffy (beepbit scoreflip)
Twitch: VictoriousLachrymoseChoughRiPepperonis (end of MWC)
Twitch: BlindingCreativeRamenAliens (last blamejuan)

All Moments in Google Drive:

Once again, I will like to thank everyone who helped make MWC 4K 2018 a blast of fun, and also everyone in the chat for hyping up every match, and the commentary crew who has made this tournament the most fun to listen to! :P

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