استمع لهذا الصوت و فكر بشيء ما و سينجذب لك orginal waves 369 Hz

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Dr. Sezar
Dr. Sezar
The 369Hz Solfeggio frequency is one of the primary frequencies used in healing sounds.  Solfeggio is the nine tone ...
The 369Hz Solfeggio frequency is one of the primary frequencies used in healing sounds.

 Solfeggio is the nine tones derived from numbers that have been used for centuries.  These frequencies create positive transformations for those near them

Frequency 369 Hz Solfeggio
 The energy center is often blocked by fear, stress, anxiety and worry and its effects begin to be reflected in every part of our lives.  We start to become negative.  The body begins to produce more cortisol and it begins to affect our sleep and health.

The frequency of 369 Hz Solfeggio is one of the basic frequencies used in Sound Healing.  This indecision cleanses guilt, which is often one of the main obstacles to perception.  Frequency 369 Hz music helps create a strong magnetic field of energy which helps and gives strength to achieve our goals.  Its vibrations release guilt and fear.  The solfeggio frequency is also used to awaken the mind and transform sadness into joy.  The frequency of 396 Hz is associated with the Root Chakra, our primary energy center and is used to balance the Root Chakra.

Features Frequency 369 Hz Solfeggio
1_ It gives strength in your frequencies to become parallel to the frequencies of what you are thinking about, so it speeds up its attraction.
2_ It eliminates the feeling of guilt, even the feeling of guilt lurking in the depths of the subconscious.
3 _ It enhances your ability to find inner peace.
4_ It helps you overcome fear, which is usually the main obstacle in achieving our dreams and goals.
5-Free from negative subconscious beliefs and thoughts.
6 _ used to balance the root chakra
7_ It turns sadness into joy.

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