Reasons for sensitive teeth | How to deal with it? - Dr. Vahini Reddy | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Vahini Reddy | Appointment booking no: 9108829069Consultant Prosthodontist & Implantologist | The Dental Venue Koram ...
Dr. Vahini Reddy | Appointment booking no: 9108829069
Consultant Prosthodontist & Implantologist | The Dental Venue Koramangala, Bangaluru
Tooth  sensitivity is a  sudden sharp  but  temporary  flash of  pain and it  happens  when the tooth is suddenly  getting  exposed to air to certain foods,  sweet or  cold.  What causes  tooth sensitivity   is abnormal brushing  techniques  with   undue  amount of  force  with hard  bristles  could wear  down  the surfaces  of the  teeth  exposing the underling  dentin, thus enhancing  sensitivity. Some patients   can also have chronic  gum  disease  where  the   gums   have receded exposing the tooth root, causing sensitivity.  Teeth that has fine  cracks in them  that  collects bacteria and plaque.  This causes  inflamed  pulp  that also causes  sensitivity.  Para functional  habits  like  clenching and grinding  can also  contribute to   these  symptoms. Long term    use  of non prescription mouthwashes  and  continuous    consumption of acidic  food  play a  big  role in enhancing  sensitivity.  
 What are  the home  remedies in overcoming tooth  sensitivity?  I  would  say  to use  a fluoridated  toothpaste,  use a  soft  bristled tooth  brush and get yourself  a  mouth guard  that  acts  like  a  helmet in  your tooth protecting   it  from the harmful effects of  clenching and grinding. In extreme  cases  you  may  require  the  guidance of  a dental  professional  to help you and  he  may  help you with  a crown  or an inlay. The root canal process  is the last  resort  to treat  sensitivity.   It  is  important  to choose  a  dental  professional to understated  the underlying reasons  for your  sensitivity  before  treating this as this  would go a  long  way  in alleviating the  pain that  causes  sensitivity.

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