Woman Tries Impersonating Police, Fails Dramatically

Crime Scene Cam
Crime Scene Cam
2 میلیون بار بازدید - 7 ماه پیش - Law enforcement catches a woman
Law enforcement catches a woman who tried impersonating police, according to the reporting witness. This is the bodycam footage showing when she gets caught.

It should be noted, a written statement was collected from the witness and an interview was conducted after the suspect's arrest. The witness stated the woman noticed him walking around the neighborhood and started taking pictures of him from her car. She stated she was law enforcement and refused to present a badge to the witness. The witness called 911 when the vehicle continued to follow him.

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⚠️ This footage was released for purposes of education and news reporting only, not to shame anyone. We respect the privacy of all parties involved and encourage others to do the same.
7 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/11/21 منتشر شده است.
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