Khorshidi - Fooman

Russell M
Russell M
198 بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - Khorshidi is a coffee shop
Khorshidi is a coffee shop (Tea House or Ghahveh khaneh) in Fooman, Gilan Province, Iran. He (Mr. Khorshidi) has been running this Tea House for close to 60 years the size of which is 3 meters by 2 meters. He is a professional singer and has performed many traditional and mostly Gilani songs over the years in concerts, Radio and TV. When I go to his shop from time to time, he starts singing within minutes, he LOVES an audience. A true music and lyric lover for the sake of music!
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/02/18 منتشر شده است.
198 بـار بازدید شده
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