Ginger Milk Pudding Recipe

Souped Up Recipes
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Ginger milk pudding is a classic Cantonese dessert. It is so easy to make. You only need 3 ingredients and it is is tasty - warm and creamy. It is best for a cold winter morning. We usually eat it with steamed buns, congee, or dim sum. It will weak up your body and start your day.

🥢PRINTABLE RECIPE - check back later


- 1 cup of milk (whole milk, fat-reduced milk, fat-free milk, lactose-free milk will all work)
- 1 tbsp of sugar or to taste
- 1.5 tbsp of freshly squeezed ginger juice

- Ginger is the setting agent in this recipe. You need to use the freshest ginger possible. Or else the enzyme is not active and you will fail to make this recipe. To make 1 cup of the pudding, you will need to grate 1.5 inches of ginger, which you can get about 1.5 tbsp of ginger juice.

- Freshly squeezed ginger juice needs to be used as soon as possible or else it will be oxidized and you also lose the effect. I have tested to let it sit in the room temperature for just 30 minutes and the enzyme doesn’t work anymore. Just be aware of that and use it as soon as you can.

- Quickly add 1 cup of milk into a saucepot along with 1 tbsp of sugar. Turn the heat to medium. Give this a swirl so the sugar will melt faster. Bring the temperature to 158 - 167 F (70-75 C). You will need a thermometer to be exact. Pour the milk into the ginger juice. The enzyme starts working instantly so do not stir as it will break down the connection.

- That’s it. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then you can test it with a spoon, gently put it on top of the pudding. If the spoon doesn’t sink, that means it has solidified. This is a super soft pudding. You can see the jello texture but when you put it in your mouth, you will feel like it is liquid. I know, it sounds weird but it is so tasty - very warm and creamy. I love the hotness from the ginger. We usually eat this in the morning as a breakfast or brunch dessert. Enjoy!
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/12/14 منتشر شده است.
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