This Is Exactly Why I'm an Atheist

Genetically Modified Skeptic
Genetically Modified Skeptic
1.1 میلیون بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Patreon:
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I think it's finally time I tell the full story of how and why I became an atheist. I deconverted from Christian fundamentalism over 3 years ago now, and I'm glad I did. Issues like old earth vs young earth, evolution vs creationism, the Bible vs LGBT rights, got me thinking about the validity of faith, Christian apologetics, and personal religious experiences, and I eventually changed my perspective on all of those things. The strangest part of my story may be that Young Living Essential Oils played a roll in my becoming an atheist. Because I was without them for so long, I recognize the importance of critical thinking skills, healthy skepticism, and scientific literacy.

I hope that this video will help those who feel isolated as an atheist or agnostic, or who are still in the atheist closet and are thinking of coming out. Share your story if you can, but always stay safe.


This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*


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*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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