CGI Animated Short Film: "Mime Your Manners" by Kate Namowicz & Skyler Porras | @CGMeetup

1.9 میلیون بار بازدید - پارسال - CGI 3D Animated Short Film:
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Mime Your Manners Animated Short Film by Kate Namowicz & Skyler Porras at Ringling College of Art + Design. Featured on CGMeetup Mime Your Manners is an animated short film about an arrogant man who berates a mime. As a consequence, he is transformed into a mime until he learns to treat others how he would like to be treated. Mime Your Manners won the silver medal in the domestic animation category at the 47th Student Academy Awards. Directed by Kate Namowicz and Skyler Porras ( including animation and everything visual ) Kate's Website and Reel: Instagram: @katenamoart Skyler's Website and Reel: Instagram: @biteakite Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design Cast and Crew: Musical Score by Corey Wallace Sound Design by Bob Pepek Julian's Voice by Kieran Flitton Celeste's Voice by Mariah Proctor Jacques' Voice by Robert Krolczyk Special Thank You to Heather Thompson, Billy Merrit, George Cwirko-Godycki, and our amazing mentor Aviv Mano. SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films:    • CGI & VFX Animated Short Films | CGMe...   VFX Breakdowns, Making of & Behind the Scene:    • VFX Breakdowns, Making Of & Behind Th...   FOLLOW US: Website: YouTube Facebook Twitter Google+ Dailymotion Pinterest Instagram WANT TO GET FEATURED? All CGI artists, studios or schools who would like their work featured or published on CGMeetup please apply below. We’re looking for short films, commercial spots, breakdowns, showreels etc. Submit here → Contact us here → [email protected] or [email protected] Please Note: All videos are uploaded after written copyright permission from respected Artists, Studios or Schools Or part of the Creative Commons license. For more details or to dispute please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] ABOUT CGMeetup: CGMeetup is the #1 inspiration resource for all CGI, VFX, 3D and Digital artists. We feature a wide variety of CGI content including behind-the- scenes, vfx breakdowns, short films & showreels. CGMeetup also serves as networking resource for CGI Professionals. Professionals use CGMeetup to exchange ideas, knowledge & job opportunities. CGI Animated Short Film: "Mime Your Manners" by Kate Namowicz & Skyler Porras | @CGMeetup CGMeetup #cgi #animation #animated #3d #shortfilm #short #animatedshortfilm #shorts
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