JavaScript Full Course for free 🌐

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Bro Code
#JavaScript #tutorial #beginners

JavaScript tutorial for beginners full course

⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
#1  (00:00:00) JavaScript tutorial for beginners 🌐
#2  (00:08:02) variables ❎
#3  (00:16:32) arithmetic expressions 🧮
#4  (00:21:14) user input 🧮
#5  (00:25:41) type conversion 💱
#6  (00:30:11) const ⛔
#7  (00:33:13) Math 🔣
#8  (00:36:52) hypotenuse calc practice program 📐
#9  (00:43:12) counter program #️⃣
#10 (00:46:52) random number generator 🎲
#11 (00:50:53) useful string methods 🧵
#12 (00:55:13) string slicing ✂️
#13 (00:59:08) method chaining ⛓️
#14 (01:01:03) if statements ❔
#15 (01:05:24) checked property ✔️
#16 (01:12:39) switches 🔀
#17 (01:16:26) AND OR logical operators && ||
#18 (01:20:29) NOT logical operator ❕
#19 (01:23:26) while loops 🔁
#20 (01:26:14) do while loops 🔂
#21 (01:28:36) for loops 🔃
#22 (01:32:05) break and continue statements 💔
#23 (01:33:34) nested loops ➿
#24 (01:38:05) functions ☎️
#25 (01:42:43) return statement 🔙
#26 (01:45:36) ternary operator ❔
#27 (01:48:58) var vs let 🥊
#28 (01:53:25) template literals 💬
#29 (01:57:47) format currency 💲
#30 (02:02:47) number guessing game 🔢
#31 (02:06:55) temperature conversion program 🌡️
#32 (02:15:49) arrays 🍎
#33 (02:20:33) loop through an array ➰
#34 (02:23:16) sort an array of strings 🗃️
#35 (02:24:50) 2D arrays 🛒
#36 (02:29:14) spread operator 🖐️
#37 (02:33:32) rest parameters 💤
#38 (02:37:09) callbacks 🤙
#39 (02:41:58) array.forEach() 🔚
#40 (02:45:19) ⚙️
#41 (02:48:10) array.filter() 🗑️
#42 (02:50:21) array.reduce() 🔁
#43 (02:52:33) sort an array of numbers 📋
#44 (02:54:41) function expressions 🤫
#45 (02:59:55) arrow function expressions 🏹
#46 (03:05:42) shuffle an array 🃏
#47 (03:09:30) nested functions 🐣
#48 (03:12:47) maps 🗺️
#49 (03:17:07) objects 🚗
#50 (03:21:09) this keyword 🔝
#51 (03:24:08) classes 👨‍🏫
#52 (03:27:15) constructors 👷
#53 (03:30:48) static keyword ⚡
#54 (03:34:22) inheritance 👪
#55 (03:40:23) super keyword 🦸‍♂️
#56 (03:44:59) getters & setters 🏎️
#57 (03:51:17) objects as arguments 📫
#58 (03:53:44) array of objects 📮
#59 (03:56:52) anonymous objects 🎭
#60 (04:02:44) error handling 🏤
#61 (04:07:27) setTimeout() ⏰
#62 (04:12:16) setInterval() ⏲️
#63 (04:14:48) Date objects 📅
#64 (04:24:08) clock program 🕧
#65 (04:28:56) asynchronous ⏳
#66 (04:31:17) console.time() ⌚
#67 (04:33:46) promises 🤞
#68 (04:40:23) async 📥
#69 (04:43:12) await ✋
#70 (04:46:44) ES6 Modules 🚢
#71 (04:51:21) DOM intro ✨
#72 (04:54:50) element selectors 👇
#73 (05:03:35) DOM traversal 🌳
#74 (05:09:01) add/change HTML elements 🌎
#75 (05:14:01) add/change CSS properties 🎨
#76 (05:18:26) events 🎟️
#77 (05:24:32) addEventListener() 👂
#78 (05:30:28) show/hide HTML elements 💡
#79 (05:35:28) detect key presses 🛎️
#80 (05:40:21) animations 🎞️
#81 (05:49:40) canvas API 🖌️
#82 (06:02:34) window 🗔
#83 (06:08:43) cookies 🍪
#84 (06:22:57) stopwatch program ⏱️
#85 (06:35:11) rock paper scissors game ✊
#86 (06:46:46) tictactoe game ⭕
#87 (07:05:43) snake game 🐍
#88 (07:34:32) pong game 🏓

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This video is the intellectual property of Bro Code. All rights reserved. No part of this video may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to recording, uploading, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without my written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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