The Used Car Market Is Collapsing

It's widely known that cars used to be depreciating assets. The moment you drove them off the lot, they'd lose a significant amo ...
It's widely known that cars used to be depreciating assets. The moment you drove them off the lot, they'd lose a significant amount of value, and this decline would continue over time, measured as the residual value. This made sense because, unlike stocks, bonds, or land, cars are assets with an unlimited supply that eventually wear out and go out of style. But after the unusual events of 2020, the car market did something unexpected. Used cars began to appreciate in value, causing prices to skyrocket across the market to levels that were once unimaginable. The car bubble had grown to a point where everyone believed it would implode, and right now there are signs that maybe this prediction has some merit,

Lucky Lopez Clip (full video)
Used Car Market Update

CQA Clip (full video)

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