Use of ISNA function in VLOOKUP formula in excel

3.9 هزار بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - In this video, you will
In this video, you will learn How to Use ISNA function in VLOOKUP formula in Excel. The ISNA function helps to identify cells that contain an #N/A error and facilitates smooth comparisons, data analysis, etc. The ISNA function checks whether the result of the VLOOKUP formula is an #N/A error and returns True or False accordingly. If it is, the IF function will return with a message you specify, otherwise it will give you the result of the VLOOKUP. The syntax for the ISNA function with VLOOKUP. The VLOOKUP returns “#N/A error” when it is unable to find the value it was looking for. For example, while searching for item X in the lookup table. The Excel ISNA function is used to check cells or formulas for #N/A errors. The result is a logical value: TRUE if a #N/A error is detected, FALSE otherwise. When you need to find information in a large spreadsheet, or you are always looking for the same kind of information, use the VLOOKUP function. VLOOKUP works a lot like a phone book, where you start with the piece of data you know, like someone's name, in order to find out what you don't know, like their phone number.
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/08/24 منتشر شده است.
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