Build a Python Module and Share it with Pip Install

Data Science Garage
Data Science Garage
Have ever thought how to build a python module which you would share with the World? What if everyone could use and install your ...
Have ever thought how to build a python module which you would share with the World? What if everyone could use and install your authored Python package just by typing pip install and your module name at the end of this terminal command?

This video will reveal the secret how you can build your own Python package from any Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Class. We will begin with a simple task. First of all, we will create a Python package which could be installed locally, without uploading the package to a Pypi repository. When we will be sure that our module works good locally, then we will be ready to upload our module to Pypi repositories. Why repositories?

There are two Pypi repositories we should know:
- Test Pypi repository:
- Regular Pypi repository:

Remember, test and regular Pypi repositories are not the same. You should create your user account on these websites separately.

Firstly we will upload the prepared Python package in TAR format to the Pypi Test repository and test it locally. When we will be sure that everything is working on the test side, then we will be ready to upload our package to the Regular Pypi repository, so everyone in the world could install and use our package just by pip install command.

To do all of this, we should have installed a twine package to upload the TAR package to repositories, and use sdist terminal command to create a package in TAR format.

The full video lesson consist of these parts:
0:00 - Intro
1:24 - Classes (Object Oriented Programming - OOP)
2:42 - Create a Python package locally (and test it)
8:49 - Prepare files for uploading
12:37 - Upload a Python package to Pypi repositories (Test and Regular)
16:26 - Test Python Module downloaded from Pypi

I hope that the full explanation was clear for you and you found useful with this. Please subscribe to my channel to get more similar videos in the future.

Never stop learning!

#pythonmodule #pythonpackage #pypi

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