Typography Dojo: Font Management Fundamentals with Jim Kidwell

215 بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - Why use a font manager?
Why use a font manager? What's the best way to handle and manage the fonts you have? How do you manage fonts across teams? Extensis font management expert Jim Kidwell will walk us through the nuts and bolts of effective font management. He will cover approaches to use font management to improve speed and creativity with Extensis products Suitcase Fusion, Suitcase TeamSync and Universal Type Server.

As a writer, speaker and general software nerd, Jim Kidwell, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Extensis, loves talking about fonts in creative workflows. Focusing on legal, creative and branding needs of teams, Jim writes and speaks about solutions to the technical and workflow problems of creative teams. Jim has spoken at SXSW, Future of Web Design, WebVisions and more. By day, he works to make software applications the best that they can be.


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7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/01/25 منتشر شده است.
215 بـار بازدید شده
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