Klassisk Zereshk Polo (Ris med berberis)

Mamanis Mat
Mamanis Mat
Zereshk polo (Rice with barberries)(Turn on the subtitles i the youtube clip  there you will find instructions) ...
Zereshk polo (Rice with barberries)

(Turn on the subtitles i the youtube clip  there you will find instructions)

This delicious saffron-scented sweet / sour dish is my absolute favorite. Some make it more sour, some sweeter depending on which part of Iran it is cooked in, but also based on what you prefer. My grandmother makes this dish like no other it is sweet but is broken off with the savory from he chicken casserole that is served with this dish.

Khorake Morgh  (Persisk kycklinggryta)

The dish can be vary depending on who makes it as the chicken casserole is cooked in different ways.

Zereshk (Barberry)

In Sweden, zereshk barberry is sometimes called sour buckthorn. The barberry plant grows naturally in Iran, Turkey and the Caucasus. Can also be found in Europe, it was exported there as a medicinal plant. In Sweden it grows wild and is poisonous. Barberry has a sour taste. It is used in a very popular dish called Zereshk polo (Rice with Berberis) which is served with a chicken casserole but there are some iranians from other parts of Iran such as Mashad who top their stews, casseroles and other dishes with these berries. Barberry can be eaten either fresh or dry. Can be bought in Oriental food stores.

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Tip: Use better quality rice ex Tildas or Karon can be bought in oriental shops.


Luxurious Zereshk Polo

5 dl Basmati rice
½ dl Salt

50g  Butter
2-3 dl Zereshk
1 dl    Sugar
2 teaspoons saffron solution


1 piece Liba bread
3-4 pcs Potatoes
1 teaspoon Saffron solution

3 tbsp Rapeseed oil
50 g Butter

Do this:

Rinse the rice in a bowl of cold water about 3-4 times

Soak the rice in salted water for about 3 hours before serving

Boil water in a large pot

Pour off the salt water and pour the rice into the pot in the boiling water

Let the rice boil, When the rice is al dente (ie chewing resistance but not completely cooked) pour the rice off in a colander

Then heat oil or butter in the same pot and add the saffron solution

Put the rice in the pot directly or liba bread or potatoes in the bottom and then pour over the rice. Shape the rice to avoid the sides of the pot (see instruction video)

Pour over 1 dl of water

Lower the heat on the stove to medium heat
Wrap the pot lid with a kitchen towel. This is to airtight the pot

Let steam for 30 -45 minutes. Do not remove the cover during this time. Meanwhile start with the garnish.

Do the following decoration:
* Soak the barberry for 5-10 minutes
* Rinse the barberry, place in a small saucepan
* Add sugar, saffron solution and butter then stir and heat on low heat until the sugar melts with the mixture
* Add a little of the white rice stir.
* Place the white rice on a serving platter top it off with the barberries and serve it with khorake morgh "chicken casserole" (see instruction video)

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