
Hamid Niv
Hamid Niv
آینده از آن ما است این رژیم پوسیده آخوندی محکوم به فنا است. آزادی به سرزمینمان باز خواهد گشت. آن روز دیر نیست. متحد بر علیه
فاشیزم آخوندی
The mullah's regime spends its time, resources and funds murdering innocent people in the streets of Tehran, Isfahan, Beirut, Iraq, Syria, Sanaa and many other places in the region and beyond. It uses an iron fist to repress the Iranian people at home and utilizes terrorism, destruction and mayhem abroad for the singular reason of maintaining its vice-like grip on power to further and sow and its deconstructionist and extremist ideology.
It is precisely this Machiavellian determination to shed blood that underpins the ayatollah regime, a regime spending untold amounts of money in furthering its capacity to create greater destruction and the massacre of innocents that is at the foundation of its thirst for a nuclear weapons capability. Iranian people have risen up against this radical and terrorist regime that seeks to control every aspect of their lives.
Viva Iran New Democratic Republic, none religious and none monarch, equal rights for all, no religious discrimination, Human rights respected in its entirety.
Viva brave young, woman and men who had stood up for their basic freedom and had paid a very high price so far.
We will win (Iranian People)

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