Full English breakfast . . . طرز تهیه صبحانه انگلیسی

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A Full Breakfast or English Breakfast or Fry Up or All Day Breakfast or Full Monty is a substantial cooked breakfast meal, o ...
A Full Breakfast or English Breakfast or Fry Up or All Day Breakfast or Full Monty
is a substantial cooked breakfast meal, often served in the United Kingdom and Ireland, that typically includes bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes and mushrooms, toast, and a beverage such as coffee or tea.

The traditional Cornish breakfast includes hog's pudding and Cornish potato cakes

In Ireland, as elsewhere, the exact constituents of a full breakfast vary, depending on geographical area, personal taste and cultural affiliation.
hash browns, liver, and brown soda bread.Fried potato farl

In Scotland, the full breakfast, as with others, contains , haggis, white pudding, fruit pudding or oatcakes.

Two key ingredients that distinguish the Welsh breakfast from the other "full" variations are Welsh cockles and laverbread.


©Amir Sarikar. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission.

100 g  Chestnut Mushrooms
1 ripe tomatoes
3 rashers smoked back bacon
2 thick slice of black pudding
1 slice of bread , cut into triangles
2 medium free-range eggs
200 g baked beans
3 tbsp butter
Tea or Coffee
Fresh Orange Juice
Selection Of Newspapers

This recipe will serves for ONE person

Step 1
Trim stalk level with the top of 100 g mushroom and fry in 1 Tbsp butter.
Avoid moving the mushrooms too much, making them soggy.

Step 2
Cut one tomatoes across the centre
Place cut-side down on the grill plate and cook without moving for 2 minutes. Gently turn over and season again. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes until tender.

Step 3
Place 3 rashers of bacon straight on to the grill plate and fry for 2-3 mins

Step 4
Add 3 sausages to the grill plate, turning occasionally, until golden.

Step 5
Remove the skin of 2 thick slices of black pudding ,Place on the grill plate until slightly crispy.

Step 6
Add 1 slice of bread with 1 Tbsp butter in a separate pan and cook for 2-3 minutes each side until crispy and golden

Step 7
Fry two eggs in 1 Tbsp butter until the white has just set and the yolks are still slightly runny or fry the eggs to your liking.

step 8
Place 200 g baked beans in a small saucepan/pan and simmer for 3 minutes.

Step 9
Once all the ingredients are cooked, serve on warm plates and Enjoy immediately!

Tip and Tricks:
"No one said this was a healthy breakfast"
Cook slowly for about 10-15 minutes.
The English breakfast are fried,but you can also be grilled.

Ideally, use bread that is a couple of days old.
The bread has to be FRIED, either with butter or oil.

Always use sausages with a high meat content.
The preferred choice : Cumberland sausage or Lincolnshire sausage.

American bacon is not allowed, it’s just not the right kind for this English Breakfast.
Smoked or unsmoked? The choice is yours but  dry-cure has the best flavour.

Button mushrooms are most traditional
Don’t let them boil

Fried and sunny-side up.  you have to have the runny yolk.

©Amir Sarikar. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission.

شاه ادوارد در سال 1900 صبحانه ای را که از سال 1850 استفاده میکردند رو به این صورت که الان میخوام معرفی کنم , استاندارد کرد.
ولی شروع داستان صبحانه از سال 1300 بوده .
البته صبحانه انگلیسی در نقاط مختلف بریتانیا یکم با هم فرق دارند.
در اصل شامل این مواد است:
سوسیس که همیشه سوسیس خوک معطر شده با سبزی های خوش بو مثل مریم گلی است.
بیکن که بر عکس آمریکا از قسمت پشت خوک هست .
تخم مرغ که باید نیمرو  باشه.
لوبیا انگلیسی کمی شیرین ((خیلی شیرین ))هست و باید تفت داده شود .
قارچ رو اسلایس یا کامل در انواع مختلف میشه استفاده کرد .
گوجه فرنگی باید رسیده و قرمز باشه و از وسط نصف شده باشه
پودینگ سیاه ,اگر نباشد ,صبحانه انگلیسی هم وجود ندارد ,که تشکیل شده از جو دو سر ,ادویه , چربی و خون خوک .
نان تست که در نقاط مختلف از انواع مختلف استفاده میکنند ولی باید , تاکید میکنم باید , سرخ شده باشد , در روغن یا کره
یک قسمت دیگه هم داره که من استفاده نکردم : سیب زمینی و کلم را رنده یا خرد میکنند و سرخ میکنند که من استفاده نکردم .
البته شما هر آنچه دوست دارید را میتوانید اضافه و یا کم کنید ولی دگر انگلیسی نیست.

طبق قانون کپی رایت شما حق استفاده از تصاویر . عکسها و متن را بدون اجازه ندارید .

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