چاکرای چهارم، قسمت اول - چاکرای قلب که باز بشه میتونید هر چه بخواهید خلق کنید - Heart Chakra (1)

Ferdos Kakoie
Ferdos Kakoie
چاکرای چهارم، شماره ( ۱) - چاکرای قلب که باز بشه میتونید هر چه بخواهید خلق کنید  - Heart Chakra (1)Greeting dear on ...
چاکرای چهارم، شماره ( ۱) - چاکرای قلب که باز بشه میتونید هر چه بخواهید خلق کنید  - Heart Chakra (1)

Greeting dear ones. My name is Ferdos and I am a spiritual teacher, born in Iran and
residing in California for the past 3 decades. The ultimate goal of my spiritual practice and teaching is to raise awareness on universal vibrations that tend to speak to us in the subtle way of most tender whispers.  It is my hope to share that which has been graciously given to me for the greater good of all.  I humbly wish to show gratitude for my existence here on earth through my spiritual teachings and lectures in the community.  Thank you for joining me on this remarkable journey.  

Instagram: ferdos.kakoie
Facebook: ferdoskak


Whisper of Being
We are a conscious community of soulful meditators who together, seek to experience true peace, unity consciousness, pure awareness, and the beautiful power of the unknown.
Meditation Monday's on Zoom
Mondays @7pm to 8pm PST

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