Salvador Brotons - Toccata for piano - Alex Alguacil, piano

Alex Alguacil Pianist
Alex Alguacil Pianist
1.5 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - Salvador Brotons - Toccata for
Salvador Brotons - Toccata for piano Op. 63 (1993)
This is a work of virtuosity, with rapid passages, perpetuum mobile figurations, irregular meters such as 7/8 and a percussive - marcato character. The middle section contains a secondary theme, a pianissimo lyrical melody that will appear in fortissimo by the end of the piece. Even though the character is somehow serious I find this piece fun to play.

From the CD released in 2013 by Columna Música
Salvador Brotons, The complete piano music (1975-2011)

Find it on
Apple Music: AppleMusic: album.

Other Salvador Brotons' piano compositions:
Toccata for piano: Salvador Brotons - Toccata for piano ...
Nocturn "alla Chopin" Nº 1: Salvador Brotons - Nocturne alla Chop...
Elegy for the death of Shostakovich: Salvador Brotons: Elegy for the death...
Sonata for piano: Video

Find the score of Toccata for piano here:
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/01/25 منتشر شده است.
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