TRY TO LEARN SPANISH with An Easy Fun Story---- "Una aventura en el supermercado"
8.6 هزار بار بازدید -
3 ماه پیش
00:00 Intro
00:25 Try to understand
02:46 With English Translation
06:54 Listen and Repeat
11:24 Vocabulary
#easyspanishlearning #spanishstories #spanishmadesimple
00:25 Try to understand
02:46 With English Translation
06:54 Listen and Repeat
11:24 Vocabulary
#easyspanishlearning #spanishstories #spanishmadesimple
3 ماه پیش
در تاریخ 1403/04/31 منتشر شده
بـار بازدید شده