How to Get Strong Art Education

Drawing Art Academy
Drawing Art Academy
... - Discover How to Get a Strong Art Education. There is much more to drawing than an eye sees. The untrained viewer doesn’t see what they don’t know, and they don’t know that the knowledge is missing. If you are a self-taught artist, and, for example, do not know color theory, or the theory of tonal values, it doesn’t matter how accurately you can copy the lights and shadows you see in life; if you don’t know how the laws of light create values, then your drawing will look amateur. Such knowledge is hard to get by pure practice. You need to have talented teachers explaining and showing you the principles and rules of drawing. Learning drawing is not possible by reading ‘how to draw’ books. This is a long and hard process of practicing, with a teacher polishing their students’ understanding of drawing principles step by step. Also, it is very difficult to explain to a self-taught artist where they are making mistakes because a huge amount of knowledge is missing. Until such an artist gets all that is needed to know about constructive drawing, and processes that knowledge though hard practice, he or she would have no chance at competing with other students who apply to enter the academy. To learn good drawing techniques under personal guidance of professional artists and art teachers, enroll in the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course -

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