This video has gone viral in Arab world - Watch to find out why | Check the level of Imaan he has!

''This Sudanese shepherd puts many of us in shame''A Group of Men Test the Trust of a Sheep Herder in the Desert and jus ...
''This Sudanese shepherd puts many of us in shame''
A Group of Men Test the Trust of a Sheep Herder in
the Desert and just look at his touching response.
This man is poor, but SubhanAllah look at his Taqwa.

this Sudanese Shepherd who refused to accept 200 Riyals ($54) to pretend that he has lost one of the sheep of his owner despite his desperate need, and he said: "Even if you give me 200 thousand, by Allah I will not accept. What am I going to do when I go to my grave and meet my Creator? If I do, I'm afraid the sky will collapse on me." Allahu Akbar!
the scholars took him to the Sudanese embassy and famous scholars honoured him and handed him just that, 200 thousands riyals! He said he will use it to help his family and parents do Hajj and build them a home. Indeed, whoever fears Allah, He will provide for them, so live within your means and seek His help. You will own the Akhirah and the Dunya will come to you too!

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