HomeAmation Windows Phone version

Jeff Albrecht
Jeff Albrecht
Note: I uploaded a (little) bit more polished version here: ...
Note: I uploaded a (little) bit more polished version here: HomeAmationWp7

This is my first attempt at a screen capture and encode with Expression Encoder. This is the first take.

HomeAmation is a project I'm working on in Windows Phone and Windows 8. It displays Current, summary and historical temperature information I've been logging for several years. Data from Xml and Json.

I plan on several blog posts on how you can create your own temperature logger using Netduino, Raspberry Pi and other technologies.

This is a continuation of my very first published app ePhidgetY I wrote at Xapfest in Los Angels learnig from @DanielEgan and @AAronOnTheWeb. http://www.xapfest.com/apps/details/e...[pp_gal]/2/

Wow what a trip looking back at that code! I've learned so much since then. I'm still deciding to clean up some of the Data xml I kinda hate to give an example in some pretty crude Xml. But hey! it works.

I'm currently aquiring the data using Phidgets and a Lamp stack. I plan to simplify that for those folks that would like to Diy it for themselves.

I hope to add my Garage door opener, SezaMe, to it in the future.

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