why you should not practice medicine in Russia

Mee Pro
Mee Pro
Russia is a very beautiful country that has a lot of things to offer, I love Russia. Its people and its culture but unfortunatel ...
Russia is a very beautiful country that has a lot of things to offer, I love Russia. Its people and its culture but unfortunately I won’t choose Russia as a place to practice medicine after graduation that’s why in this video; we would outline 5 very solid reasons why Russia is a bad work location for international students.

1. Language Barrier
There are a lot of things that come with living in a foreign country; one of the most vital ones is the language. Speaking to people in another tongue that isn’t yours will never be easy. This is one of the reasons I wouldn’t want to practice here because I would rather have easy communication with my patients and colleagues in the future.

2. Extreme weather
One thing I’m still trying to adjust to is the cold and the HEAT. Like, how could a place be so hot and so cold at the same time? My point is that dealing with a different climate that your body hasn’t adapted to could be dangerous for you as a person because it could even be a contributing factor to a number of diseases.  

Honestly, this should have been the first reason not to practice here. After the war, a lot of things fell apart. People plugged out of Russia, companies, major firms and a whole lot more decided that they don’t want to be associated with the country and its affairs. Its best advised to stay away from all these and find a place that has numerous opportunities because I could say, to some extent, Russia is LIMITED!!

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