7 Ways to Be a More Generous Person

Everyday Disciple
Everyday Disciple
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Generosity can transform the world. It starts by changing the “giver” and then moves outward to bless others. I want to learn to be a more generous person. Care to join me?

Regardless of your income, if you live in America or most parts of the “western world”, you are living as, and among, some of the wealthiest people in human history. We have access to resources to such a degree that we barely notice anymore.

Generosity Flows From Your Heart, Not From Your Wallet or Purse
But generosity doesn’t come out of excess; it comes from the heart. How generous we are starts with how blessed we understand ourselves to be.

My times spent in Sudan and Sierra Leone with some of this world’s poorest people showed me that generosity is a heart issue. These dear people who literally had almost nothing (seriously!) were always quick to share their lives, their tea, the little bit of food they had, a Coca-Cola that had been buried in the ground for months for a “special visitor”.

Living in the harshest and leanest of conditions, these lovely saints believed that God had abundantly blessed them. They saw their life, their families, and most of all, their salvation in Christ, as their riches. And they were quick to share.

That’s how I want to live too.

7 Ways to Live as a More Generous Person

Start being more generous with your...

1. Gratefulness  Out of your abundance, and how you perceive it, your generosity will flow. Stop often to count the blessings in your life, and then be generous to share that gratefulness with others. Let people know that you recognize the true wealth you’ve been given. It’s hard to be stingy when we rehearse our thankfulness. Out of the overflow of our hearts the mouth speaks...

2. Words  Be generous with the words you speak to others. Are your words life-giving? Do you tend to complain more than you praise or thank? Compliment your spouse our kids and those you work with for anything good you see in them or catch them doing.

3. Time  A completely finite commodity, time spent with someone is probably the greatest act of generosity we can share. When we take time to listen, ask good questions and just “be” with someone, we model the love and life of Jesus. Sharing our time has great heart benefits for us too as it causes us to slow down and ‘notice’.

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