Kundalini awakening ☯

Kundalini awakening - Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी Your physical body is a vehicle that functions with oxygen through breathing to ma ...
Kundalini awakening - Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी
Your physical body is a vehicle that functions with oxygen through breathing to make you aware from the holographic reality that you live in. You will loose the personality illusion created by your 3D experiences, when the 33 vertebral system is illuminated, through the opening of the 3rd eye portal to create consciously your own reality...like Jesus or Buddha did it. Afraid, yes...but you'll understand deeply your true nature, that is made of light. Fear it's an illusion!
Good fortune to all.

Abracadabra - Aramaic/ Hebrew - Means "I create what I speak".

yù yī - 玉衣
n. the desire or self induce experience to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger, before expectations, before memory, before words, merging yourself in the experience of oneself in a fictional story ( Being a Child again, a Cosmic Masterpiece creation ).

The most intelligent man on earth...
The Eschaton According to McKenna

Lam = 4:42 🔴
Vam = 8:40 🟠
Ram = 11:49 🟡
Yam = 15:12 🟢
Ham = 18:42🔵
Aaron = 22:41🟣
Om = 26:13 🌟

- Magic numbers
3= Mind
6= Six gates(Chackras)
9= Higher consciousness opening gate (seventh chackra)

The English word spirit comes from the Latin "spiritus" ("breath") and has several interrelated meanings: Metaphysically, a spirit is an incorporeal energy force that is present in all living things but distinct from the soul. (The distinction between soul and spirit became current in Judeo-Christian terminology.) A spirit may also be a ghost that retains intelligence, consciousness, and sentience.


"Vita quod sententiae nostrae eam faciunt est."

"life is what our thoughts [about it] make it"

- Marcus Aurelius

Note: your thoughts are in the fifth dimension. Your thoughts are energy. You've the power. Use it wisely.

Note: Before asking questions, remember that the best knowledge comes from self interrogation and self search using all the tools at your disposal (ex: Books, internet, mind thinking, etc...).

Beethoven 7th Sinphony 2°
Bashar | 3 First Minutes Beethoven 7t...

Smoother version by Navi:
Link: Kundalini awakening ☯ (smooth version)

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