top 3 serial killer in korea #serial #killer #korea #crime #movie #history #worldsmostevilkillers

148 بار بازدید - 6 ماه پیش - top 3 serial killer in
top 3 serial killer in korea

Lee Choon Jae
Name of the Killer: Lee Choon Jae
Nickname: Korean Zodiac (due to similarities with the Zodiac Killer)
Active Years: 1986 - 1991
Number of Victims: Confessed to the murder of at least 15 women and additional five killings later. Also, over 30 rapes and attempted rapes.
Media Portrayals: His story inspired the 2003 film "Memories of Murder," and he has been referenced in various other media due to the notoriety of his crimes.
People Impacted: Directly impacted dozens of victims through murder and sexual assault, with the exact number unknown.
Hideous Facts/Super Creepy Details: Strangled victims with his hands or an item of their clothing, often in public areas.
Capture Details: Initially apprehended for robbery charges in 1989 but wasn't linked to the serial murders until 2019 through DNA evidence.
Current Status: Serving a life sentence in Busan Prison.
Execution: Originally sentenced to death for the murder of his sister-in-law but later commuted to life in prison.
URL of their Image: Not provided.
MO of Crime: Targeted vulnerable women, strangling them with his bare hands or an item of their clothing.
Disturbing Facts: Confessed to additional assaults after being caught, with 30-45 attempted rapes beyond the murders he was convicted for. His case also highlighted police incompetence and investigative errors, including a false confession coerced from another individual

Jeong Nam Gyu
Name of the Killer: Jeong Nam Gyu
Nickname: None specified
Active Years: 2004–2006
Number of Victims: Murdered 13 people, with numerous assaults and attempted murders.
Media Portrayals: Depicted in the 2022 South Korean drama "Through the Darkness".
People Impacted: Directly impacted his murder victims and their families, along with numerous assault survivors.
Hideous Facts/Super Creepy Details: He claimed his violent behavior stemmed from being abused as a child. His crimes included not just murders but also rapes, assaults, and arson.
Capture Details: Arrested on April 26, 2006, after a fight during an attempted murder. He was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court and detained in Seoul Detention Center.
Current Status: Committed suicide in prison in 2009.
Execution: Was sentenced to death but died by suicide before the sentence could be carried out.
URL of their Image: Not provided.
MO of Crime: Used knives and blunt objects to assault and murder his victims, often breaking into homes.
Disturbing Facts: His crimes were extremely violent, involving kidnapping, rape, murder, and setting fires to cover his tracks

Yoo Young Chul
Name of the Killer: Yoo Young Chul
Nickname: Raincoat Killer
Active Years: 2003–2004
Number of Victims: Confessed to 26 murders but was convicted of 20.
Media Portrayals: His crimes were depicted in "The Chaser" (2008), a feature film loosely based on Yoo's story, and "The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea" (2021), a Netflix original docuseries.
People Impacted: Directly impacted at least 20 individuals through murder, with his crimes causing widespread fear and impacting national conversations on crime and punishment.
Hideous Facts/Super Creepy Details: Dismembered and mutilated his victims, admitted to cannibalism, specifically eating the livers of some victims.
Capture Details: Captured by police on July 15, 2004, after a failed meeting set up by a massage parlor owner.
Current Status: Sentenced to death, but as of the last update, still imprisoned at Seoul Detention Center due to a de facto moratorium on executions in South Korea.
Execution: Sentenced to death, but South Korea has not carried out any executions since 1997.
URL of their Image: Not provided.
MO of Crime: Targeted wealthy seniors and female masseuses initially, then switched to female escorts. He bludgeoned his victims after luring them to his place or breaking into theirs.
Disturbing Facts: Yoo's case reignited the debate on capital punishment in South Korea due to the heinous nature of his crimes, including claims of cannibalism
6 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/10/07 منتشر شده است.
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