LGR - Compaq Presario 425 MS-DOS PC Overview

This is an overview of the Compaq Presario 425 from 1993, as well as 486 and Overdrive chipped machines in general. Also compare ...
This is an overview of the Compaq Presario 425 from 1993, as well as 486 and Overdrive chipped machines in general. Also compares its speed to the 386 range of machines. During the early 90's the 486 ruled all. But when things started progressing so quickly, it wasn't enough and Overdrive CPUs and such addons became quite popular. Also following in the Macintosh's footsteps came all-in-one case designs for some PCs.

Footage of:
Windows 3.1
PFS WindowsWorks
Symantec Game Pack
Test Drive III The Passion
Duke Nukem 3D
Wolfenstein 3D

This is a response to some requests for footage of some of my systems "in action" instead of just a review. But that would be boring I think - so lots of facts, commentary and history as well.

You can still read up on the official HP site about this particular machine:


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