Shorts Commentary

What the short? Have you Ryth your mind? I sure have because I watched veshremy! He sucks! His content is the absolute worst! Th ...
What the short? Have you Ryth your mind? I sure have because I watched veshremy! He sucks! His content is the absolute worst! This is only a semi-joke! I genuinely hate his content! The only reason I'd dislike him more if he were a content farm or his name was sunnyV2! if Quackery is a youtube clone then he needs to clone the ability to do something else because this is awful! the youtubers struggle is real here! Do they feel fear? I wouldn't know! I got so mad making this video I put an extra midroll ad in this video! I feel something! Dread! This is dreadful! Leafy is rolling in his grave! He's still alive but if this is what youtube commentary is then I am no commentator! I am going to make a new youtube genre! It will be called... NoMad...

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