Xanfinity offers Xanfinity Doctor Interface (XDI) - SAAS based solutions for Doctors!Xanfinity Doctor Interface (XDI) is ...
Xanfinity offers Xanfinity Doctor Interface (XDI) - SAAS based solutions for Doctors!

Xanfinity Doctor Interface (XDI) is a SAAS based tool for creating a record for Patient for each and Every visit. The key point is that we will customise XDI as per your requirements and needs. If you want any feature to be added, just raise a ticket and it will be done in just a week's time

Can keep Record for each Patient and can generate an Invoice as well
If you feel any new feature to be added, just raise a Ticket and get it added for Free. Absolutely For Free!
Also may free updates will be given in the tool, Free of cost

Log onto www.xanfinity.com

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