The National Anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Indra Setyo Rahadhi
Indra Setyo Rahadhi
The national anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was first introduced in 1947, when His Majesty King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahm ...
The national anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was first introduced in 1947, when His Majesty King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud visited Egypt. His Majesty King Ibnu Saud asked an Egyptian composer Abdul Rahman Al-Khatib to create an anthem for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Then, Al-Khatib created an anthem, really an Arab-fanfare style melody.

In 1958, the first set of the anthem's lyrics was written by Muhammad Talat, but wasn't often heard. And then 26 years later, The Custodian of Two Holy Mosques His Majesty King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud asked poet Ibrahim Al-Khafaji to write the new lyrics of the anthem.

Nowadays, the lyrics that was written by Ibrahim Al-Khafaji had became the official lyrics of the national anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, titled "'Aash Al-Malik" ("Long Live the King!"). Below is the official lyrics of the national anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 'Aash Al-Malik.

سارعي للمجد والعلياء
مجدي لخالق السماء
وارفعي الخفاق أخضر
يحمل النور المسطر
رددي الله أكبر
يا موطني
قد عشت فخر المسلمين
عاش الملك للعلم والوطن


Hasten to glory and supremacy!
Glorify to the Creator of the heavens
Raise the green fluttering flag
Carrying the emblem of light!
Repeat – Allah is the Greatest!
O my country ...
My country ...
May you always live ...
O the glory of all Muslims!
Long Live the King!
For the flag and the country!

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