Building a Clay Bridge | Faenza 2 Minneapolis & Back in Clay Kickstarter

Kelly Newcomer
Kelly Newcomer
Kelly Newcomer is involved in a Kickstarter to help fundraise for a new Artist in Residence between Minneapolis and Faenza Italy ...
Kelly Newcomer is involved in a Kickstarter to help fundraise for a new Artist in Residence between Minneapolis and Faenza Italy.

Minneapolis Non-profit, Esperienza, has a goal to sustain and celebrate the amazing art and culture in the Emilia Romagna region. What better way to do so than providing new opportunities to aspiring and talented new artists!


Art has the power to transform our lives, and our new Artist In Residence program will foster and support the creative process of artistic expression and excellence across two distant but connected communities in America and Faenza, Italy.

Focusing in ceramics art, the artists will not only share their knowledge and expertise in the host country, through workshops and interaction with local students, but will also bring their experiences and new knowledge back to their local communities. With this program, we’re building an international bridge made of clay!

Part 1 of our 2024 Artist In Residence is already in the works, bringing an Italian ceramics artist from Italy to FormaClay in Minneapolis in June. Our goal is to complete the circle by sending Kelly Newcomer, an American ceramics artist, to Faenza, Italy this fall. Read below for details about the artists.


You can help make this expanded program a reality by supporting our fundraising campaign, launching May 15, 2024.  Make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in exclusive events that will create community among art lovers while raising funds for the program:
Rewards include ceramic art, and experiences with the artists. Join a ceramics workshop at FormaClay, taught by Fiorenza Pancino. Enjoy a dinner at the home of Lyndel King, former Director of the Weisman Art Museum.

Link to Kickstarter Building a Clay Bridge

Video by Jeff Constantly Newcomer
Video filmed at FormaClay Minneapolis

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