Can Bad Smells HARM YOU?

Nick Uhas
Nick Uhas
9.5 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - SUBSCRIBE!:
Smell Protection Guide:

This question comes from Mikayla Stott, she asks “if it's harmful for your body to inhale bad smells. For example, is it bad to inhale septic tank odor or does it just smell horrid? Or just any really bad smells”  

I love this question for many reasons, but mostly because I’ve wanted to know the same thing for a long time, because it seems very logical that a horrible smell, coming from something that WOULD make you sick… could also make you sick… or KILL YOU!!!  Science would like to disagree… to a degree.

From Luis Villazon states a smell cannot harm you as a smell is nothing more than a neural response to airborne molecules binding to mucous membranes of your nose. So when you’re smelling poop, little tiny poop particles are landing inside of your nose, and letting you know there is well, poop near by… yea its pretty disgusting.

Luis says a smell cannot hurt you anymore than a color can harm you. I duno man, the color green…sneaky sneaky ….out to getcha.

However sensing bad smells actually has a purpose. As an evolutionary trait detecting wretched odors let us know to avoid the thing giving off the horrible smell because those objects probably can harm us. You wouldn’t want to take a bite of dead raccoon or a mouthful of sewage.

An article from also talks about this smelly topic. The article describes and instance where an airplane had to emergency land because someone took such a foul smelling crap!  However, when it comes specifically to poop the odor particles that would land in your nose are not the same as air born pathogens flying through the atmosphere as bacteria and viruses. In fact, a tremendous amount of force needs be applied for pathogens to be transmitted through the air… the conclusion, poop, sewage, and septic tanks have nauseous odors but there is a very low chance it will actually make you ill.

Now on the flip side some environmental odors are considered toxic, and if the concentration and exposure time is high enough inhaling these toxic fumes could actually kill you.  So if it smells bad, I would play on the side of caution, listen to your brain and body and to avoid it! Now since its kind of confusing to tell which smells are actually toxic and which ones aren’t, I’m providing a link in the description below to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry…This will give you all the specific info on what to avoid. Want to make sure my Nickipediacs survive until the next video!

Thank you so much for watching! Make sure to subscribe for new videos every week… and let me know in the comments below, what smells are the WORST! Which ones make you gag at first whiff… smell ya later!

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Production Team:
Writer/Producer: Nick Uhas
Editor: Griffin Louis
DP: Alan Jackman
Sound: Griffin Louis

8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/05/29 منتشر شده است.
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