Brave New Films
Brave New Films
In 2009 President Obama committed 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan. This decision raises serious questions about troops, costs, ...
In 2009 President Obama committed 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan. This decision raises serious questions about troops, costs, overall mission, and exit strategy. Historically, it has been Congress' duty to ask questions in the form of oversight hearings that challenge policymakers, examine military spending, and educate the public. 7:02 The war in Afghanistan and its potentially catastrophic impact on Pakistan are complex and dangerous issues. America's intervention only made things more complicated and volatile. 14:20 The Afghan War cost the US $5,000,000,000,000, 2,200 American soldiers, and 26,000 Afghan civilians. 25:30 Eight years have passed since Laura Bush declared that "because of our recent military gains, women are no longer imprisoned in their homes" in Afghanistan. For eight years, that claim has been a lie. 33:14 When foreign policy is well-reasoned, we see attention given to humanitarian issues like housing, jobs, health care and education. When that policy consists of applying a military solution to a political problem, however, we see death, destruction, and suffering. 43:31 The war in Afghanistan is increasing the likelihood that American civilians will be killed in a future terrorist attack. There is no "victory" to be won in Afghanistan. 52:44 The war in Afghanistan was no victory for either side. People suffered and evil grew; but what can we learn? What is being done to help? ABOUT BRAVE NEW FILMS Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films (BNF) are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America. Greenwald and BNF create free documentary films that inform the public, challenge corporate media, and motivate people to take action on social issues nationwide. Brave New Films’ investigative films have shined a light on the Trump administration, voter suppression, U.S. drone strikes, the prosecution of whistleblowers, and Wal Mart’s corporate practices. BNF's mission is to champion social justice issues by using a model of media, education, and grassroots volunteer involvement that inspires, empowers, motivates and teaches civic participation and makes a difference. #BraveNewFilms Wanna see more of BNF's free documentaries? SUBSCRIBE: SIGN UP for email updates: Set up a free screening or house party for any of our films free: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: DONATE: Check out our latest BNF documentaries: “Pandemic of Hate: Anti-Asian Racism During COVID-19” This documentary exposes how Trump’s bigotry is inciting violence against Asian-Americans and putting lives at risk. Watch it here: “Voting By Mail Is Patriotic: Trump Exposed” This documentary shines a light on Trump’s lies about voting by mail. Our military has been voting by mail safely and securely for 200 years! Watch it here: “Suppressed: The Fight To Vote” This documentary takes a deep dive into Brian Kemp STOLE the 2018 Georgia governor’s election through voter suppression. Watch it here: “Trump Inc: Lining Their Pockets - White House For Sale” The documentary exposes Trump and his administration for profiting off the presidency. Watch it here: “Sentencing Reform: Part 1 - The Power of Fear” This documentary investigates our racist criminal justice system and makes the case for why mass incarceration must come to an end. Watch it here:

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