What is a Hydraulic Actuator? #valincorporation #actuator #hydraulic #automation

Valin Corporation
Valin Corporation
3.7 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - What is a hydraulic actuator?•
What is a hydraulic actuator?

• Not much different than pneumatic actuators as discussed in Episode 66.
 o Episode# 66: What is a Pneumatic Actuator? | https://www.valin.com/resources/video...

• Basic motion actuation for fluid power

• Key differences
o Pneumatics use air. Hydraulics use liquid.
 - Devon Hyatt, specialist in fluid power, expands on the differences

• Air is compressible.  Liquids are not.

• Results in higher forces from hydraulics
o Do hydraulic actuators also have single-acting and double-acting options?
 - Yes, Devon Hyatt explains further.
o Do hydraulic actuator types also include rod, rod-less, rotary and gripper?
 - Devon explains that, while there isn’t really a rod-less type, there are many different types
o Are there also ISO and NFPA versions of hydraulic actuators?
 - Yes
o What are open versus closed-loop hydraulic systems?
 - Open-loop systems take liquid from and return it to a reservoir with a breather
 - Closed-loop systems uses a recirculation pump instead while containing the liquid entirely within it and the hoses going to the actuator

• When would I use hydraulics over pneumatics?
o To insure constant force
o To produce higher forces
o To absorb higher vibration or shock loads

• System Components needed to move a hydraulic actuator
o Provide liquid flow
 - Engine or motor plus a pump
o Control the liquid to the actuators
 - Valves and flow controls
o Make sure the liquid is clean
 - Filter and regulate

• Pros of hydraulic actuators
o High force-to-size ratio
o Shock absorbent
o Great for mobile equipment
o Simplicity

• Cons of hydraulic actuators
o Components wear out making for short life cycles
o Fluid quality maintenance
o Low efficiency
o Leaks are messy
o Low accuracy
o Limited cylinder positions

Learn more at https://www.TheMotionControlShow.com

If you have any questions or are just looking for some help, we're happy to discuss your application with you.  Reach out to us at (855) 737-4716 or visit https://www.valin.com.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/05/19 منتشر شده است.
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