Ziyarat Arbaeen|زيارة الاربعين |English إنجليزي | Abdulhai Qambar عبد الحي قمبر| Ali fani علی فانی|

NoorIslamDK - نور الإسلام الدنمارك
NoorIslamDK - نور الإسلام الدنمارك
20. Safar-/Arbaeen (Chehlum - 40. days after Ashura)The Arbaeen represents the largest peaceful gathering in world histo ...
20. Safar-/Arbaeen (Chehlum - 40. days after Ashura)

The Arbaeen represents the largest peaceful gathering in world history. Millions make the pilgrimage to Karbala in Iraq to honor the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in 680 AD. He was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

Imam Hasan bin Ali Al Askari (as) pointed out that there are five signs of a true believer:

- Recite 51 Rak'a't Salaat during a whole day and night: 17 Rak'a'ts are obligatory and 34 Rak'a'ts as Naafilah Salaats.
- Either visit Karbala to pay respect to Imam Husayn (as) and other martyrs, or at least recite Ziyarat to the Holy Imam, as described below.
- Wear a ring on the right hand.
- Place the forehead on the ground (preferably the ground from Karbala) during prayer.
- Pronounce "Bismillahir-Rah'maanir-Rah'eem" clearly and loudly during the prayer.

The Imam's mission aims to "... make every effort and dedicate his heart, mind, soul and life to the mission of liberating mankind from the yoke of ignorance." This is described in a ziarat reported by Shaykh al-Tusi in Tahdhib al-Ahkam and Misbah al-Mutahajjid. Safwan al-Jammal mentioned that Imam al-Sadiq, may the blessings of Allah be upon him, instructed him to honor Imam al-Husayn (a) on the day of Arbaeen, in the morning, and to say the specified words.

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