How To Shoot A Soccer Ball Accurately (Improve Your Shooting Accuracy)

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How To Shoot A Soccer Ball Accurately (Improve Your Shooting Accuracy)

Why Shooting Accuracy Is Important

If you're wanting to learn how to shoot a soccer ball more accurately - this video is for you.

Are you tired of missing chances to score? Are your shots inconsistent, lacking accuracy, and power? You're not alone.

Ball striking / shooting with accuracy is one of the most difficult skills to master but also the most rewarding. Learning how to kick a soccer ball hard and accurate (with consistency) will separate you from your competition.

Because players who can shoot, stand out.

Most players can make simple passes, have a good first touch, and even dribble past defenders. However, players who can hit hard, accurate shots with both feet, are very rare. Become one of these players.

How To Shoot A Soccer Ball With Accuracy

Watch this entire video because I'll show you:

- how to shoot a soccer ball with accuracy
- the most common mistakes players make
- how to train for better shooting accuracy

How To Improve Shooting Accuracy Faster

Most players want to improve their soccer shooting skills but if we analyze their training, it doesn't match their goals.

First, you just need more practice. More repetitions. More time spent shooting. You should be practicing your ball striking (shooting) on a daily basis. Imagine if you completed 100 shots everyday with both feet.

Your shooting accuracy would definitely improve. Don't overlook the simple idea of just being more consistent with your practice.

Next - if you want to learn how to kick a soccer ball more accurately. Analyze professional players. What does their shooting technique look like? Compared to yours?

How to kick a soccer ball with more accuracy?

Analyze your own shots. The ability to get outside of your body and analyze what you are doing incorrectly is an extremely important skill. Take the information from every shot (successful / unsuccessful) and use it to make your next attempt better.

We cannot shoot the ball in the exact same way and expect different results. You must make continual changes to your shooting technique.

Why can't I Kick A Soccer Ball Accurately

I'll break down exactly what to focus on in this video but here are a few ideas to think about if you want to kick a soccer ball with accuracy.

#1 - Visualize the flight of the ball. How is it going to come off your foot? What is the path the ball will take on the way to net? How will you produce that flight? Don't just kick the ball and expect it to hit the target. How is it going to get there? What does your technique need to look like in order for the ball to get there?

#2 - Focus on your body. Your shoulders will often dictate the direction of the ball. After contact, if your shoulders have shifted off target. The ball is likely to go off target. Be conscious of where your body is facing when you make shoot a soccer ball. If you can keep your shoulders on target, you will be more likely to shoot a soccer ball with accuracy consistently.

#3 - Follow through of your foot. Similar to your shoulders, analyze where the your foot is pointing after you strike through the ball. Many players will pull across their body and drag the ball wide. Or chop the ball and keep their follow through too short. Send your follow through towards the exact point on the goal you would like to hit. Do this and you will shoot a soccer ball accurately more often.

Hopefully you found this tutorial helpful.

If you have any questions related to this topic please comment below.

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Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer

“We should not be measured by our level success but by the level of success we help others achieve.”

Thanks for watching: How To Shoot A Soccer Ball Accurately (Improve Your Shooting Accuracy)

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