The Most Expensive Movie Flops In History

You need money to make films. Yes, there are flashy stories like Robert Rodriguez making 1992’s El Mariachi for just under $8,00 ...
You need money to make films. Yes, there are flashy stories like Robert Rodriguez making 1992’s El Mariachi for just under $8,000 dollars, but generally, you need a good amount of cash to make a good movie.

However, money will get a movie made but it doesn’t guarantee that a movie will be successful at the box office. A studio can pump in millions of dollars and bring in acclaimed directors, A-list actors, and the best screenwriters, but it’s the people that buy the film tickets.

If they're not happy, you can kiss making a profit goodbye. Here are the most expensive movie flops in history.

#Movie #Flops #History

The 13th Warrior | 0:00
The Adventures of Pluto Nash | 1:04
Stealth | 1:47
Sahara | 2:21
Mars Needs Moms | 3:02
John Carter | 3:53
R.I.P.D. | 4:29  
The Lone Ranger | 5:22

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