Falcon Northwest FragBox 2023 Review - Can You Handle It?

PC Perspective
PC Perspective
Falcon Northwest FragBox 2023 Review - Can You Handle It?You can't handle the truth! Well, no, that's not true. You can ...
Falcon Northwest FragBox 2023 Review - Can You Handle It?

You can't handle the truth! Well, no, that's not true. You can handle it, because it has a handle. It's the FragBox, and no, this is not a retro review of an early-2000s small form-factor PC. It's the ALL NEW version of the FragBox for 2023!
Honestly, who among us doesn't long for the days of LAN parties, which mixed exciting gameplay with a smattering of social interaction? But lugging a mid-tower and a CRT wasn't fun. Too bad we all didn't have a FragBox and an LCD monitor back then. Think of the injuries that could have been prevented...

Try your hand at configuring a FragBox over at Falcon Northwest (not affiliated): https://builder.falcon-nw.com/templat...

00:00 Intro
00:19 Some FragBox history
00:55 Specs for our configuration
01:27 The FragBox enclosure
02:54 Inside the FragBox
03:44 The extras
04:42 A few benchmarks
05:53 Thermals (and the reality of the Core i9-13900KS)
08:10 Conclusion
10:01 Summary and Outro

I forgot to include noise testing in the video. Under full load the loudest reading from my SPL meter was 42.5 dBA, with the meter positioned just one foot from the enclosure.

Disclosures: Falcon Northwest sent us this system for our review. We have to send it back. This is not sponsored content, and no money changed hands (unfortunately).

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